Founded in 2007, Picky Domains is the world’s leading platform for customers who wish to find the perfect name for their business, company, or a catchy domain address.
All you have to do is place your order at, specifying what you’re looking for, your target market, and the type of name you are going for.
Picky Domains shares this info with a community of over 100K registered contributors, and the creative minds begin churning up name ideas and making suggestions.
Those suggestions are immediately funneled to you. As the entries start flowing in, you can start to view them, assess them, and classify them into the “liked” and “disliked” categories.
When a perfect suggestion comes up, you can pick it as a winner. Once it happens, the order is considered successfully closed.
The reward is paid out to the contributor whose suggestion has been chosen by the customer.
So, what makes PickyDomains unique?
Firstly, it’s a risk-free model. Only pay if you like the name.
Secondly, speed. You start receiving suggestions literally within minutes of your order being placed.
Thirdly, our contributor ranking system. Choose if you want to get hundreds of ideas from as many contributors as possible, or only get suggestions from namers with the proven track record.
We have successfully completed over 7000 naming orders.
Let us come up with an ideal name for you!