We plan to add a new feature - contributors will be paid a small amount (most likely 10-20 cents) for each 'Like' in the order where their suggestions weren't picked. In other words, we plan to pay contributors even if their suggestions weren't picked, if those suggestions were good. Let us know what you think of the idea.
That's a great idea!
That's a great idea!
That would be super great! :)
That would be super great! :)
i don't agree
If the names go to public it will increase the risk the ideas will be stolen
They won't go public.
They won't go public.
Get paid for likes!
This is a great idea! I fully agree with it!
But to avoid hits of the type just create accounts to gain likes, payments should be restricted to contributors of rank 1, for example.
No, likes will be paid for
No, likes will be paid for regardless of the rank.
if its going to be based on
if its going to be based on rank, then it should be at least rank 2, which is more accessible and can be reached if worked for a bit. It could serve as an inscentive for more participiation.
Not just for rank 1!
If you just pay for the likes of people in rank 1 (that is only 100 people) which does not make it fair for the rest of the PD contributors. I do agree that there has to be a balance in the way they pay for likes, but I do not think it should be based on rank!
That doesn't seem fair; many
That doesn't seem fair; many people at all ranks work fairly to submit ideas--if it must be restricted, I think restricting to those at the 50% commission rate (ranks 1, 2, and 3) is more just, but having it open to everyone would be better.
That's a GREAT idea!!!
That's a GREAT idea!!!
Being paid a small amount for likes
That seems fair as it takes time to come up with some of the names and to check if they are taken, but the time the client reads those attempts and dislikes 2 hours of work, and your commision drops, it is very annoying because you get punished for even trying... So truthfully it is fair to get something.
Sounds Great!
Sounds like a nice idea to me although I think it would have to be well thought out because you have some clients who simply like like like almost every one! In this case you can't just pay for every one liked or then you would not be making much money! I think it will get a lot more contributors to stay and post more though as it gives them an incentive and does not cause them to simply give up just because they think PD is a scam.
I do think it would be smart pay more based on the rank because this gives even more incentive to continue contributing to PD. I also think it would be smart to have set a certain minimum of likes before payout too and maybe even to set a maximum of paid likes per contributor per order as this would create scammers from setting up an account to submit suggestions just so they can like their own suggestions and get paid.
Anyways weather or not you guys incorporate this I still Love PickyDomains and the opportunity you guys give me to make some extra cash!!! :)
great IDEA :-). Maybe the
great IDEA :-). Maybe the higher your rate and the more likes you get the more you get paid?
Fantastic idea!
Fantastic idea!
Really appreciate this idea
Really appreciate this idea since I will be more active within PD from now.
Really appreciate this idea.
Really appreciate this idea. Would be great if you implement it and it would give more confidence to contributors
Payment for 'Likes'.
Hi PD,
We contributors always felt that most of our efforts even though accepted & liked went non-monetized.
Now the effort to do so even if its meager will go a long way in at least covering our internet usage and the like.Kudos to to you if implemented.
Pay For Likes
Its a very great idea which would encourage the contributors and also not make them give up if none of their entires are picked. It would definitely motivate anyone to give more and more valuable suggestions. Though the amount would be meagre, it still pays a bit for the effort you had put in.
So I would definitely appreciate pickydomains for coming up with such a wonderful scheme. This would make more contiburtors to work enthusiastically.
Thank you picky domains crew:).